Epoxy resin is an ideal option for lovers of making elegant transparent jewelry with elements of wood, metal, dried flowers. Masters create rings, bracelets, earrings, brooches, pendants and many other amenities. Let’s focus on the pendants made of epoxy resin and on the possibilities of making them yourself.
Considering that epoxy resin is a material that is quite multifaceted in the field of jewelry, it is possible to create pendants of different shapes and combinations, and internal filling. Therefore, it is pleasant and interesting to make such a thing with your own hands.
Not only the final result depends on these factors, but also the stages of work. For example, when making pendants with wooden elements, it should be remembered that the tree will also need to be processed closer to the end of the workflow.
If the master is engaged in creating beauty with the help of factory forms, then most often preference is given to medallions with flowers dried inside, feathers, pebbles and other small things.
Dried flowers are also popular in flat versions. Where a form for decoration is used instead of a base. Having such a blank on hand (it will perform the mold function), it is not difficult to give the pendant the desired look, as well as to choose the filling of the product.
Everyone knows pendants made of epoxy resin and wood shavings, various pieces of wood. They look especially harmonious in a set of jewelry from the same composition.
Depending on the type of decoration, the list of required materials is modified. The main elements remain unchanged:
- epoxy resin is the basis of the future product;
- hardener, sold together with resin;
- accessories — connecting rings, bailes and other elements;
- filler for decoration — dried flowers, beads, feathers, wood shavings, leaves, etc.
Each of these items requires a responsible approach during the purchase. When buying an epoxy, it is necessary to check its orientation for the manufacture of jewelry.
Be sure to buy exactly the one that is designed specifically for creativity with your own hands. Resin for cars is not suitable, it is too caustic and the density is not what you need.
The hardener is an integral part of the manufacturing process. Thanks to this component, there are chances to get a really beautiful and high-quality pendant in the end. Without it, the working mass will not harden and will not take the desired shape.
The variety of decorative elements and fasteners also directly depends on the type of decoration and the material of manufacture. The choice in this case is up to the master, what will be imprinted in the pendant, he also decides.
Adaptations for work
Materials alone do not go far in creativity. Equipment, or rather devices for easier and more efficient work is of considerable importance. It is thanks to modern devices that you can easily engage in creativity in various directions.
In addition to the items for the medallion itself, others will be required in order to carry out the plan efficiently and safely:
- containers for mixing resin and hardener, plastic cups are suitable;
- wooden skewers, spatulas to mix the composition;
- toothpicks, they are useful for small work with the composition;
- molds for the future product, it can be factory molds;
- pliers or thin pliers;
- tweezers;
- food film, adhesive tape or multiphora to protect the work surface;
- rubber gloves, the polymer is aggressive and can damage the skin of the hands;
- respirator to protect the respiratory system from harmful fumes and dust;
- protective clothing, as there is grinding to be done.
It is worth adding that the work should be carried out in a well-ventilated room. The reason is very simple, epoxy resin vapors are unsafe for human health.
Stages of work
In order to make the decoration beautiful and of good quality, it is necessary to follow the procedure, below are the necessary steps.
The first step is to prepare the workplace. This process rightfully occupies an honorable first place, because a properly organized workspace will allow you to have everything you need at hand and not be distracted from the skill.
Most often, a desk or computer desk is used as a workplace, less often there is a kitchen table, and sometimes even a workbench.
A prerequisite is that the work surface should be smooth and even, this will protect the future decoration from asymmetry.
For guaranteed evenness, you can put a sheet of thick cardboard on the table. It is advisable to cover the upper part of the work surface with cellophane, food wrap or put a transparent file. These manipulations will protect the workplace from damage, drips and other troubles during work.
Having prepared a place for work, it is required to check the serviceability of the ventilation of the room, the quality of lighting. Now you can start implementing your idea.
Mixing components
After arranging the workplace, it’s time to start mixing the epoxy resin with the hardener. To do this, you need to take the prepared containers, pour the necessary amount of resin into one, and hardener into the other.
Measure the required volume of the hardener, which is specified in the manufacturer’s instructions, and mix it with the resin. Usually, the exact proportions for the qualitative composition are indicated on the packaging with resin, which must be fully adhered to.
The resulting mixture is stirred as thoroughly and vigorously as possible with a wooden stick, a spatula. This approach will allow you to mix the components and remove most of the formed air bubbles.
If air bubbles remain after mixing, and the master does not need them for the decoration of the future pendant, then they should be removed. There are several ways to do this:
- With a lighter. Heat the top layer of the mixture with a lighter, then the bubbles will be squeezed out.
- Water bath. Place the container with the composition in a water bath and heat until the bubbles disappear completely.
- Pierce. With sharp objects — a needle, a toothpick, bubbles can simply be squeezed out of the mixture, or pierced.
Filling the pendant
At the third stage, it is necessary to pour the epoxy into the prepared molds. At this stage, much depends on the type of medallion conceived, but the basic steps are the same for all variations.
- The filling mold is checked for integrity and cleanliness. All detected, if any, villi and dust particles are removed, so as not to spoil the transparency of the decoration.
- The polymer is poured into the base, about half the volume. The second half will be filled after laying the decor.
- Decor fits: dried flower, feather, bead, sequins, anything.
- The decor is deepened with tweezers or a toothpick into the resin so that the elements do not float.
- The product is left to freeze for 24-36 hours, covered with a lid from dust ingress. You can check whether the resin has dried by pressing your finger.
- The frozen workpiece is poured with a second layer of polymer and left to harden for about another day for complete drying.
Depending on the type of pendant, the decor is stacked or poured. For example, when making a flat-shaped pendant, you can fill in the color for the first time if you want a colored pendant. They also pour colored sand, special, not ordinary river, small beads or sequins.
If a hole for fastening is planned, then you can pierce the freshly poured resin with a toothpick, insert the fastening there and send it to harden.
When decorating with dried plants, it is important to check their complete dryness. Poorly dried decorative items can begin to mold or rot later.
The second filling of the jewelry was made, the polymer hardened, the pendant is almost ready. We pull the decoration out of the mold, mold. Now further processing depends directly on the type of medallion.
The flat pendant is carefully sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, a hole is drilled for fastening, accessories are fixed with pliers. The final process is polishing the finished product using polishing paste or linseed oil.
Decoration with wooden elements after drying the epoxy resin must be sanded. Grinding eliminates visible irregularities, gives the final shape. The correction is carried out using a grinding wheel, sandpaper of different grain sizes. To fix the result, you will need to polish the decoration manually.
Wooden elements also require treatment, for example, with teak oil. This is necessary both for giving shine and external beauty, and for the durability of the use of wood.
The final touches are the fastening of the necessary accessories: bailes, connecting rings and so on.
If the required conditions are met, it is quite simple and interesting to create a unique pendant made of epoxy resin. To resolve the issues and difficulties that have arisen, you can always find on the Internet and watch a master class of any craftsman or ask an expert for advice. Each such product is one of a kind, it is almost impossible to repeat the same pattern. If you do not want to make jewelry yourself, then there are many sites where it is easy to buy them. Try to create an exclusive and delight yourself and those around him with a beautiful appearance.