Acrylic pouring technique Dutch Pour with blowing up the paint with a hair dryer or breathing, Fluid Art

Dutch Pour Acrylic Pouring

Acrylic pouring technique Dutch Pour not the easiest for beginners. Before working with acrylic paint and a hair dryer, it is better to master simpler methods of applying acrylic on canvas. For example, Dirty Pour and Flip Cup techniques will be a good start for beginners.

In this article we will talk about more complex creative work in the field of Fluid Art, about the technique of pouring with acrylic Dutch Pour.

Features of the technique

The classic Dutch Pour technique is based on the fact that all paints are mixed quite liquid and only on water. You can mix acrylic on both medium and PVA glue, but the main thing is to do it liquid. The paint should drain into the cup from the kneading stick quickly and the relief of the trickle should quickly disappear from the surface of the paint.

The canvas is filled with background paint. The master chooses the color for the paints himself. Most often, white is used for the background. When filling the background paint on the canvas, it should be evenly distributed over the entire surface without forming a relief. The canvas is simply doused with paint to create a base layer.

If the paint falls unevenly, then it is not thick enough in consistency. You can leave it like this, and in the future make a more liquid composition. The relief of the background layer and its thickness can lead to a decrease in the sliding of new layers of paint and even to their cracking when drying.

Painted canvas

Acrylic paint is poured onto the canvas and will iron out like a lacquer coating. The base layer is ready.

Now the paint is applied to the canvas with lines or puddles. The lines can be straight, curved, or concentric. The thickness of the lines depends on the size of the canvas and how large the paint spread you make.

Circles of paint

You can pour the paint in lines in a circle. This technique also gives interesting results in the end.

Lines of paint

You can apply the paint in straight lines, alternating different colors.

A puddle of paint

And finally, acrylic pouring can be done simply in the form of a puddle.

On the sides of the colorful line, you need to pour additional background paint. If you make an acrylic pouring with puddles, then the background paint is poured around the puddle.

Pour paints in good quantities, do not regret it. Additional paint is needed to improve the sliding of your colored paint when inflated. If there is no or there will be little, then the inflating zone will be minimal, and if you try to inflate the paint with a powerful hair dryer for a longer distance, you will get not silk stains, but smeared paint. It will be like you just rubbed it with a rag.

We begin blowing up the paint with a hair dryer.We use a regular or construction hair dryer. You can do it by breathing. The hair dryer should supply cold air. Hot can not be used.

The maximum power for an ordinary home hair dryer and the average for a construction one. This is an important moment.

Some artists blow a blow dryer on a strip of background paint, as if covering a colored strip or a puddle as a blanket. And then inflate the resulting color layer with background paint on top in the right direction. You can inflate the paint without covering it with background paint beforehand. When inflating the line, the hair dryer is directed from one side, then from the other.

Blow-up of paint with a hair dryer

Now we correct the resulting drawing with the help of breathing. We make our spiritual contribution to the picture. We blow into those areas that we would like to stretch across the canvas. If you blow, and nothing happens, then pour a little background paint next to it, it will improve the sliding and everything will work out at once.

The result is very beautiful and delicate. But despite the apparent simplicity, this technique is quite capricious. It is not always possible to inflate the paint as we imagined. Often you have to wash it off and start over.

Dutch Pour in blue tones

In some cases, the first time it turns out beautifully and effectively. But it comes with the skill of the artist and long practice.

A big plus of acrylic pouring in the Dutch Pour technique is that you do not need to stretch the paint on the canvas by swaying. Therefore, the canvas size can be absolutely any.

Examples of works

Let’s see what kind of work is obtained after such manipulations.

Dutch Pour acrylic pouring line

Acrylic painting in Dutch Pour technique obtained from lines.

Dutch Pour acrylic pouring puddle

An acrylic painting in the Dutch Pour technique made from a puddle.

Dutch Pour acrylic pouring circle

Acrylic pouring in the Dutch Pour technique with a line in a circle.

Dutch Pour acrylic pouring curved line

Acrylic pouring in the Dutch Pour technique with a curved line.

Tips and secrets

A little secret about working with acrylic in this technique. In order to get cells on colored streaks, you can warm the paint with a construction hair dryer or a burner, use a special medium or inflate with the help of a cell activator from the SheleeArt technique. You can also use special construction colors with the desired effects.

The easiest way to get cells on canvas is to add silicone to one or all of the paints.

Acrylic Dutch Pour pouring with silicone

This is how an acrylic pouring looks in the Dutch Pour technique with the addition of silicone.

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About me
Nina Maysonet
I 'm New York – Miami based artist, and bringing ideas to life is my passion. From an early age I was fascinated with creating. As I grew, I experimented with many means of creativity, ranging from painting to digital art. My work explores the dual worlds in which we exist.
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